JOHOR BARU: Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar has conferred state titles on 13 individuals, with four of them being bestowed datukships.
In a statement posted on Sultan Ibrahim’s official Facebook page, His Majesty conferred The Most Exalted Order of Sultan Ibrahim Johor (Second Class) or Dato’ Mulia Sultan Ibrahim Johor (DMIJ) on four individuals.
Sultan Ibrahim bestowed the DMIJ, which carries the title Datuk, on Malaysia’s Ambassador to South Korea Datuk Lim Juay Jin and Kuala Lumpur Hospital wound care unit chief Datuk Prof Dr Harikrishna KR Nair.
Johor Royal Court Council advisor Datuk Prof Dr Kassim Thukiman and Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor (KPRJ) chief executive officer Datuk Lukman Abu Bakar were also honoured with the DMIJ award.
The investiture ceremony, held in conjunction with Sultan Ibrahim’s birthday on Tuesday (Nov 22), was held at the Balai Mengadap at Istana Bukit Serene here.
Also in attendance were Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris Iskandar Al-Haj Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Panglima Johor Tunku Abdul Rahman Al-Haj Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Putera Johor Tunku Abu Bakar Al-Haj Sultan Ibrahim and Datuk Dennis Muhammad Abdullah.
His Majesty also conferred the Most Exalted Order Of Sultan Ibrahim Johor (SIJ), Third Class, on nine recipients.
They included Sultan Ibrahim’s Army aide-de-camp (ADC) Col Mohd Shawal Arbanyin, police ADC Asst Supt Mohd Irwan Rasul and Navy ADC Lt Commander Bakhri Shah Abdullah.
Others who received the SIJ were: YPJ Holdings Sdn Bhd general manager (property development) Nor Azleena Abdul Rahman; Invest Johor chief executive officer Zarina Abdul Kadir; secretary of the Human Resource Department in the Johor State Secretary’s Office Ahmad Nazir Mohd Nasir; Johor Public Transport Corporation chief executive officer Abdul Malik Ismail; Johor Religious Department chief assistant director Mohd Zamri Kambari; and First Secretary of the Malaysian Embassy in South Korea Muhammad Haidas Muhammad Sharif Song.
Source : The Star